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  • jvalentine18

This is my surrender

“Make Room“ by Community Music

The past few months, I’ve only accepted wherever the consequences of my actions have led to. But at the same time, trying to accept that God is placing me somewhere He wants me to be, and guiding me on the way.

But at the same time, I have to admit that I feel so helpless to my circumstances and situations. I’ve done so much wrong and destroyed so much that I feel that I can’t trust myself to make the decisions I need to make. And not only helpless to the decisions I need to make for myself, but helpless to the decisions that others make for me.

Whether being placed in the LifeGroup I’m currently in, or to remain in the church. As much as I agree that there is support here in the community I’m in, but perhaps not in terms of the support that I felt I needed. But I feel that I shouldn’t make any decision for myself given my sinful judgment in the past. And can and should only trust in the decisions of my spiritual leaders.

But in recent times, I’ve been trying to commune with God and be accountable with my church mentor and friends with regards to my thoughts, emotions, and actions. I realised that I can’t just always be following people and their judgment for me in the end, but I need to rely on God’s judgment and leading in my life. As much as I can and should heed the words of my spiritual leaders and peers, I have to take charge of my own life and listen to what the Holy Spirit is speaking into my heart as well.

And as much as I do have hopes for my own future, I need to let God properly lead my life and the direction He wishes me to take. In other words, to let Jesus.. ”Take The Wheel”.

”Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.”
Proverbs 3:5-6

Dear Heavenly Father,

I pray that as my heart continues to hope for the future that I hope can honour and glorify who You are, that my heart will remain focused on You and not others. Whether in a relationship or not, whether healthy or not, that You continue to be my focus and my greatest desire. I know that there are a lot of things in my heart still, but I pray that the Holy Spirit will give me strength to prioritise You above all. For I know that I need to surrender and make room for You in my heart, may I always choose life and choose You. Thank You God for being my anchor through the storms, and for always catching me when I fall. I love you God, always. Amen.

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