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  • jvalentine18

I'm made holy, because of Jesus

"Deep love of Jesus" by Hillside Recording

Recently, a friend introduced a bible study video by Tim Mackie, titled "Panic Attack", which focused on the flaws of the disciples. Peter in particular, who on the night of Jesus' arrest, proudly stated that he would never forsake Jesus even if others did. However, even though that was the focus of the video, what I took back from it was quite entirely different.

As much as I knew the details of what happened the night that Jesus was betrayed and arrested, and how Jesus spent time in prayer before that, there were details that I never personally delved too deeply into. As I read Matthew 26:36-46, I noticed something that definitely stood out more than others.. That Jesus, as much as we know that He is God, He was also man.. And he suffered just like man.

In the passage, Jesus pleaded with His Father to "remove the cup from him", relating to the burden Jesus had to bear for all of us. He was so in pain and sorrow that He didn't want it. Normally, humanizing Jesus may not do any good to some individuals, but in my case, it helped me to realise that Jesus relates with me more than I ever imagined. He doesn't only know my struggles, pains, and sorrows.. But He really does know how it feels.

And as I read through the passage, I saw Him slowly growing to accept this responsibility and burden that He had to bear. He accepted His suffering as a result of our sins.. Just because He loves us.. It must have taken a lot to really go through that mental torture of knowing what He had to do, knowing the pain, not wanting it, but accepting that it had to be done. And I know that it's only because of His deep love for us..

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."
Romans 12:12

Dear God, as I continue to discover more of who I am in You, I pray that I may also discover more of Christ. Never again to grow complacent of my walk with You, but to pursue You wholeheartedly no matter my mountains or valleys. Especially when things are well, I pray that my heart will never forget the sacrifice that Your Son paid for me. I thank You Lord, for your deep love that surpasses all the pain and sorrow I cause you through my sins.. I love you God, amen.

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