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  • jvalentine18

For all of my life, You are with me

“All Of My Life” by Hillside Recording

Growing up as a Catholic, I’m baptised from birth and was introduced to who Christ is from a very young age. Even though my personal relationship didn’t grow deeper until much later, I’ve always felt His presence in my life, protecting me especially from what the world has to offer. Been exposed to so much corruption and evil in this world, it doesn’t help the mind or soul. But somehow, God has always pulled me away from living such a life. Even when I wasn’t in church, he pulled me away from a life that could have corrupted my soul even further, that an invitation to church would never seem inviting.

Even when I was brought back into a church, there were individuals that once again, didn’t seem to exemplify Christ in their daily behaviours. Maybe only to strangers, but almost never to friends. Especially in their lifestyle, it was clear they prioritised things of this earth. But still, God protected me from such company.

He has always been there to guide my heart and my life and to ensure that I do not fall too far away from Him. Even in seasons when I had lost sight of what I mean to Him.. He has saved me all too many times.

From pulling me back off cliffs, to opening my eyes on the road before it's too late.. God has not only saved my soul, but my life.. Quite literally.. And I only owe it all to Him. For showing a grace that I would never deserve. But learning that denying His grace is also denying Him.. And therefore I only have to accept what He has already provided for me (unending love and grace).

No matter how many times I've felt in the past that I do not deserve (and therefore hope) the grace that has been shown, no matter how many times I deny His blessings for me and even betray Him for hurting those that He had entrusted me to care for, His love still persists. He still loves me beyond what I can ever draw logic to. Because His love is irrational and illogical to what I can ever think of..

””For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed,“ says the Lord, who has compassion on you.”
Isaiah 54:10

I'm still learning to not grow complacent of His love for me, but to accept and share it. To properly pursue Him without taking His grace for granted. And to trust that He has forgiven me, I just need to learn to forgive myself, for His love knows no bounds.

So for all that You are God, and for all that You have done and will continue to do in my life, I will praise your name for all my life.

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